Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mini-Article: Why don't they just announce Animal Crossing Wii already?

Only a mini-article tonight. Don't have it in me for a full-length post...

Nintendo has come so incredibly close to admitting the existance of this Animal Crossing Wii, but never actually outright said that it was being made. We've pretty much known it was real since E3 2006, when they used it as an example of how games could send messages to the Wii Message Board to remind you of events or whatever.

After that, things calmed down a bit. But then rumours of a playable Animal Crossing character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl surfaced, which were then boosted by the confirmation of Mr. Resetti's presence as an Assist Trophy. And now there's another rumour floating around that Animal Crossing Wii will be a massively-multiplayer online (MMO) game, with several interconnected towns and such.

No matter how little Nintendo says about this one, the talk just won't die down! I just don't see why they can't just come out and announce it already. We pretty much know that it's out there. Might as well just calm the rumblings.

But, if they want to keep it quiet until it's ready, okay. We don't need to hear about all the stuff in the beta that might not make it to print. But can't Miyamoto just say something like "Hey, we're making Animal Crossing Wii. Alright? Ok, back to work."

Then I could sleep at night.

The Duck Has Spoken.


alexanderpas said...

they don't want you to sleep at night, they want you to wait in anticipation...

PsychoDuck said...

Of course! It all makes sense now!

Anonymous said...

I have to say, the thought of an Animal Crossing game for the Wii is interesting, but I'm happy to wait if it means more and more features. I mean, if the game isn't online, it'll be hard for me to justify its purchase...

PsychoDuck said...

AC Wii needs to be online. After AC:WW, it's all but confirmed, really. I just hope it's more fleshed out than that in the DS game.

The Duck Has Spoken.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I are waiting patiently (part-time impatiently) for this game.

We keep speculating all the stuff you can do with the Wii Remote. Moving it to - shovel, shake trees, fish, slingshot(??), chopping tress, etc.

Man, it's going to rock!!